Monday, February 12, 2007

A Good Writing Resource

The title is The Most Wonderful Writing Lessons Ever by: Barbara Mariconda published by Scholastic

Thursday, February 1, 2007

I have to share this one!

I gave the mid-year reading test just to see how the kids were doing. I had it for a sub thing while I was gone yesterday at a conference. I admit I was guilty of not reading the test before I gave it. The 4th grade did awful, even my super readers! We ended up going over the test and lo and behold there were 3 questions about Encyclopedia use, and 3 questions about card catalogs! Add that in with the one that the answer key had wrong and the grades made sense.
I guess that was more of a "see what kids use to use" rather than see what the kids today don't know~
I wonder what new editions of this test will have on it? Destiny~ Google searches~on-line dictionaries!!
I suppose I should take them to the library and show them what an encyclopedia looks like, considering one girl said that we use them to find pizza places. I don't even know if card catalogs still exist!
What a teachable moment!